PODCAST Succession Stories: The Human Side of M&A Deals

Did you know that 80% of mergers and acquisitions fail? An often overlooked yet critical aspect of M&A deals and transitions is the people factor. Jennifer Fondrevay, Founder of Day1 Ready, advises senior executives on how to plan for expected challenges. Listen in as Laurie Barkman talks with Jennifer about the emotional aspect of business transition, and how those emotions come into play for a newly merged organization. If you’re anticipating a company transition in your future, listen in to learn more about how strategies around the human factor can drive greater success in M&A deals.

Listen in to learn more about:

  • What to anticipate from your workforce when you announce an M&A deal
  • Three key things to consider when buying or selling a business
  • Benefits of a human capital-centric approach to M&A
  • How to build confidence and synergy among different parties involved during a transition
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