Article: Can Rival Partnerships Succeed? Look At Successful M&A Deals For Clues

As political pundits try to identify Donald Trump’s vice-presidential pick, one name leading the dark horse list is former presidential rival, Nikki Haley. Haley surprised the political world when she announced she would vote for Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential election. Her feelings for the former president are no secret. Watching how Haley and Trump have navigated their rivalry, reminded me of numerous merger and acquisition (M&A) deals where rival companies came together. Some successfully, more – not so much.

Valuable lessons can be learned from the challenges rival companies face when partnering and what is required for their alliance to succeed. Who knows? The lessons may even be helpful guidance for politicians, as they consider how to make their partnership successful where it counts: a general election.

Read Jennifer’s full article on Forbes as she looks at lessons from M&A mergers:

  • Rival Marriages Are Rocky In The Short Term
  • Rivals Face Unique Risks When Coming Together
  • Overcoming Distrust Takes Time
  • Company Culture Trumps Strategy
  • A Competitive Edge Can Be Lost
  • Patience and Respect Drive Success in Rival Partnerships