Podcast: How to Survive & Thrive Through M&A with Tim Hughes

Jennifer joins Timothy Hughes on #TimTalk to dive into mergers and acquisitions and how you can survive if you get caught up in one.

In her book “Now What – A survivor’s guide for thriving through mergers and acquisitions” she talks about the fact that M&A happen, you can be going along nicely in your career and then you get hit with the change and upheaval that M&A provides. So, what will you do?

They also discuss the 5 stages of grief that people go through from denial to acceptance and the stages in between, and the post-M&A characters you will come across.

YouTube video

Morning Blend: How is Your Boss Working Out?

Jennifer joined Molly Fay on The Morning Blend this month to talk about leadership personalities and how to have success at work no matter what style of boss you work for.

The Recent studies show that 75% of people who quit their jobs are actually quitting their boss. Understanding your boss’ style and how to work with it will set you up for success. It could mean the difference between thriving or diving at work.